Friday, 26 January 2018

Nordic SATYA - Yoga, Tantra and Ayurveda Intensive with Uma Inder

Ayurveda Intensive with Uma Inder

Experience - and integrate with guidance - deep insights into the world’s oldest, unbroken traditions of self-healing and spiritual awakening from the natural healing systems of Ayurveda and Kundalini Tantra Yoga - set in the Norwegian mountain realms. 

S.A.T.Y.A stands for Synergistic Alignment of Tantra, Yoga and Ayurveda.

Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Preparing for Panchakarma 2018 in India

Retreats and Panchakarma

Preparing for Panchakarma 2018 in India. It is fully booked for this year, if you wish to be updated on coming retreats and panchakarma with @umainder register for newsletter on

Friday, 5 January 2018

The Unfolding of Truth

Uma Inder

"AH! My whole life I feel IS the unfolding of truth. Because this making way of truth through truthfulness itself is a PROCESS! And no part of that process is invalidated, rejected, shamed, blamed and ultimately regretted. Every letter, every word, the spaces in between, the paper and the ink, the hand and the lettering, every sentence, every phrase, every page, every chapter, start to finish, is all a part of this telling. Knowing this and acting upon that knowing, IS my faith in action. Thank you for asking" Umā