Tuesday, 25 April 2017

Say Goodbye to Hankering by Practicing Yoga Just For 20 Minutes

Yoga in Bali

Everybody nowadays is talking about practicing and benefits of yoga. In this post we will guide you to say goodbye to hankering by practicing yoga just for 20 minutes. 

The short practice of several asanas will not only heal your nervous system but also deliver tremendous patience and mental strength to fight against anxiety. The easiest way to increase you physical fitness is to change your breath 1:2 breath count would be better. Consistently practicing of yoga will let you avail soft and easy space in your breath as well as body. Here, are the few asanas that can give complete peace of mind & combat internal issue in you.

  • Half happy baby pose 
  • Lie down on belly 
  • 1:2 breath 
  • Mountain pose 
  • Forward fold 
  • Surya Namshkar 
  • Mayur Asanas 

Uma Inder is yoga enthusiastic and people taker her classes for how to live the life to the fullest. According to her if you want the best version of you than you have to take responsibilities to make changes. She is doing yoga more than two decades and assisting people to change their life, physic and for smooth movement of life. 

Improving your health in Indian way will not only transform you physical appearance, but also level of self-confidence, incredible mental balance on your emotions and thoughts can also be availed. The best thing about yoga is you need just a mat and few minutes (at least 20 minute) to reconnect you with yourself. 

The Three Sutras of Yoga 

Sutras have been translated from Sanskrit to English as (aphorisms). The three sutras of yoga are: 
  1. Asana is steadiness and comfort. 
  2. Relaxing and resolving the mind on the infinite. 
  3. The third sutra let us know whether we are making progress or not by practicing yoga. 
How do I know my practicing of yoga sutras are working? Read more at www.umainder.com.